The Cleaners
They are diligent experts who specialise in the various aspects of professional cleaning. To become the best in their respective field, the cleaners go through extensive training sessions and refine their abilities to match the Fantastic Standard we aim for. In addition, they use top-notch equipment and special detergents that are not available in stores.
The Founders
Fantastic Services is really all about providing fantastic experiences. It all started when Rune Sovndahl (CEO, Co-Founder, on the right) was looking for a cleaner and met Anton Skarlatov (Founding Director, on the left), who was running a cleaning business. United around the simple idea to deliver the best experience possible for both clients and cleaning crews, they founded Fantastic Services. Their vision was to clean-up on the industry and provide better services for customers.

Thе Master Franchise
A Master Franchise with Fantastic Services offers a dynamic opportunity to run a multi-service business in a city or country of choice. The model is designed to adapt to individual preferences while providing extensive support, technology, and expertise. Master Franchisees manage teams of sub-franchise technicians, delivering high-end property maintenance services. With over 860 franchising units across three continents and numerous awards, the Fantastic model has proven profitable and resilient, even during economic challenges. Co-Founders Anton Skarlatov and Rune Sovndahl continue to inspire and guide new franchisees to achieve remarkable business growth, helping them go from 0 to a 7-figure business in no time.